A/V Inspiration: 5 Amazing Video and Light Art Installations


If you re familiar with some of our audio-visual work, you ll know Decibel has done some interesting projects in the past on projection / facade mapping, and we frequently draw inspiration from cross-disciplinary visual artists. These five videos are stunning examples of using light and video to create brilliant and artistic spaces. May they inspire you in the creation of a unique visual environment at your next event.

BASE Video Installation

Set up in 2006, this psychadelic video installation from Lima, Peru, plays with the viewer s perception of space, its dimensions and limits. It will not just be the physical space where he stands, but also of his condition as a reflection of society. The video illustrates how the effect was achieved, using mirrors and videos projected onto the floor.


320 Degrees Licht Spatial Experience

Created by German installation large scale projection design group URBANSCREEN, the 320 Degrees Licht Installation uses the cathedral-like beauty of the Gasometer Oberhausen as the starting point for a fascinating game with shapes and light. Within a radius of 320 degrees graphic patterns grow and change on the 100-metre high inside wall of the Gasometer.

The observer experiences the interplay between real and virtual space, in which the Gasometer seems to dissolve into its own, filigree structures and yet finally always reverts to its clear shape.

LIGHT CANVAS 2 from Joanie Lemercier on Vimeo.

Light Canvas 2 by Joanie Lemercier

This exceptional work is more than an installation: it s like a gallery and an installation combined into a light-augmented environment. Light Canvas, by artist Joanie Lemercier, is a series of paintings enhanced by cleverly projected light. The results are magnificent and endlessly inspiring.

Vanishing Point from United Visual Artists on Vimeo.

Vanishing Point

Created by United Visual Artists: Vanishing Point employs perspective as both tool and visual outcome to reshape, redefine and represent a space. Inspired by sketches of Leon Battista Alberti, Leonardo DaVinci and Albrecht D rer, UVA sends lines into space from an arbitrary vanishing point, creating different volumes, divisions and rooms to be explored by the audience.

advection | robert seidel | projection on a water fountain | lichtsicht biennale 2013/2014 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.


Holy moley we love this idea. Artist Robert Seidel created a projection over the mist of a water fountain, pairing it with intense audio. Maybe a bit heavy-handed for a fundraising soiree, but the idea of projecting light visual on water is very enticing.

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