Old School Has Class: Thoughts on the Relevance of Mobile Marketing Campaigns


With communications boundaries toppling around the world, there is a growing sense that in-person marketing techniques are going the way of the newspaper, a relic of an age where trade agreements weren t hammered out online. And while we re all about early and agile adoption of new techniques, on this point, we beg to disagree. Mobile media marketing could easily be seen as quaint and out-of-touch as 53-foot semi trailers trundle around the nation. But these road shows offer advantages that tap to the very heart of marketing success.

No matter how many ads we see on television or online about a product that tickles our fancy, a chance to try something out hands-on will never go out of style. Personal attention sells and a mobile road show can help create a valuable relationship with customers.

Event Planning Washington DC: Mobile Media Campaign Planning
The Chrysler Road Show: Nothing beats hands-on. Image from Automotive Fleet

People don t often talk to each other about advertisements they see online and why should they? They re inundated with them every day. A food truck giving away free cookies, on the other hand, like the one we built for Ketchum and DoubleTree by Hilton, is not as forgettable. A mobile media road show isn t an advertisement, it s a happening a spontaneous mini-event, a break in monotony, a bright spot in someone s day. And when people participate in interesting events, they think about them and they talk about them. And in a world where most marketers are turning to the digiverse to the exclusion of all else, in-person interactions may actually have become more valuable for their rarity.

Last year, General Electric s Lighting Revolution Tour took to the road to give designers, distributors, architects, contractors, facility maintenance, and utility executives a first-hand experience of GE s latest innovations in lighting technology. Not the sexiest subject matter, perhaps, but at every one of 57 stops, its truck deployed a 600-foot-square awning covering all of the company s latest lighting solutions. You can t get that kind of customer interaction online.

What you could get online and this is where technology plays a critical role was mobile road tour tracking information and scheduling. A mobile road show s success does not just depend on rocking up in a pretty truck. Much of the pre-planning involved in event management still applies. E-mail campaigns, social media announcements going out 3-8 weeks in advance and online truck tracking via microblog are a must.

Decibel Management has concepted, designed and overseen more than a few mobile media campaigns. Give us a call: we ll handle the rest.

Six Examples of Brands Using Augmented Reality in Experiential Marketing


It s been all over the brand activation net since the release of the Oculus Rift: brands are diving into cutting-edge marketing via virtual reality headsets. Here are a few kick-arse (and in some cases, very experimental) example videos showcasing the new headset s potential uses in marketing scenarios.

British Airways

Brilliant: British Airways hit the streets in cities around Europe to get potential travelers excited about visiting the USA in a try before you buy kind of campaign via virtual reality America tours of the airline s US destinations.


Electronics heavy-hitters SIEMENS called on virtual reality art and development team Masters of Pie to to produce a fully immersive virtual reality experience for the Euroblech tradeshow in Hannover, Germany . They go on to explain:

We had the task of explaining complex, invisible processes of Siemens Metal Forming Engineering products, so we took some inspiration from Tony Stark style holography to better showcase the products. We also attached a buttkicker vibration device to make the chair vibrate and add to the experience of presence and immersion.

Sleepy Hollow

Created by Secret Location created an experience to promote FOX s supernatural show, Sleepy Hollow.

Using the Oculus Rift VR technology combined with a 3D shoot, top quality CGI graphics, 360 sound, and a compelling story, Secret Location transported users to the world of Sleepy Hollow, giving them a truly unique and memorable Live experience.


One way to make sure people remember you? Scare the living daylights of them. The adventure clothing and gear merchants at Merrell created an edgy augmented reality experience called Merrell TrailScape in which hikers took their chances walking on dangerous trails.

Mountain Dew

The guys over at agency firstborn created a VR experience for Mountain Dew, allowing fans to skateboard with their favorite extreme sports idols.


Why even get in a car to test drive one? Using the very latest DK2 OR headsets, consumers are able to virtually experience the car via an immersive and interactive car configurator, allowing users to create their own NX by selecting from a range of features.

Inspiring Stadium-based Brand Activations


We find it deeply rewarding to execute activations on a stadium-sized scale it s an honor to create experiences that effect so many but the size of the undertaking comes with equally large challenges. Knowing from experience how many moving parts are involved in stadium activations, Decibel gives mad props to agencies who ve successfully navigated those waters. We ve gathered up five inspiring examples of of stadium engagement from some of the world s best shops.

Pixmob for Heinekin

We recently dropped some hints about how awesome Pixmob light tech can be for large-scale events, but if that didn t convince you, perhaps this will: Heineken was looking for non-intrusive ways to interact with people at the Sensation Dance events in Asia. We came up with audio-responsive wristbands that were handed out at the entrance of the event. As the DJ played the dance version of the Heineken music campaign track later in the evening, all 45,000 wrist bands came to life, engulfing the entire stadium in an ocean of green light.

Omage for BMW

This animation is projected on a 13 x 3 metre LED wall where participants can run against their favourite Springbok player. The stand is setup at various rugby venues and is part of the BMW M Series launch. The Springboks were shot against a blue screen then keyed out and placed in the stadium environment. The majority of the work was done in After Effects where I tried to recreate a bit of an arcade look and feel to the animation. The stadium was rendered out from 3ds Max. People running against the virtual Springbok on the screen were timed by a laser trigger at the end of the runway and compared with the Springbok s score to see if they had won a prize.

Ensemble: the KFC Skybox

The guys over at Ensemble don t aim low when they say they aim to grow brands through contagious ideas. KFC Skybox was an Australian first that got people talking. Elevated 50 meters above the SCG, Ensemble sent 360 KFC cricket fans into the sky for an Ashes experience like no other, complete with a hot KFC meal.

VWV for Vodacom

A shout out to the large-scale event production pros over at VWV for their stadium activation for Vodacom, the Give a Gift. Give a Happy campaign, that takes on-field brand activation with a marriage of old-school and new school.

Populous: Kauffman Stadium

During the renovation to Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals, the Populous design had to meet increasing fan expectations for an exciting game day experience. The renovation goal was to create a 360-degree branded fan experience while integrating some of the ballpark s most iconic existing features. With something for all ages, the Outfield Experience incorporates everything from a children s carousel and miniature golf course to a sports bar and party deck. Now the largest in Major league Baseball, the full-bleed LED scoreboard is topped with a sculptural metal crown that modeled after the iconic original. In addition, fans can now take a stroll along the famed stadium fountains for a refreshing view and an up-close encounter with outfield play.

Consider the Kiddos: Three Great Brand Activations for the Youth Market


Niche-focused marketing agency Refuel confirms what most of us already suspected: the kids of today consume differently than the kids of yesteryear.

They have money to spend and know exactly what to spend it on. In fact, with total spending at $88B, they have a lot more money than a generation before them. A Parenting Magazine poll found that 46{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} of moms involve their children in brand decisions by age 9, and 78{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} do so by age 12. They are also digital natives (88{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} of 12-15 year olds own a mobile device and 72{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} have made an online purchase) and consume an array of off-line media as well including TV, radio and print.

Here a few interesting activations that successfully targeted younger markets, undertaken by specialist youth marketing agencies.

Best Event Production for Youth Engagement: Event Production Blog

Refuel: Dress up Booth

Refuel backs up all those cleverly engaged New York audiences, focusing on 6-12-year-old girls, to promote Spin Master s La Dee Da Dolls. A dress-up station provided fun costumes for girls while a photo booth allowed girls to take pictures while dressed up in their costumes. Raffles were conducted each hour and staff members dressed as La Dee Da dolls engaged with attendees. More than 3,000 people attended the launch party, and the Times Square Toys R Us sold double the amount of dolls expected that day.

Event Production Blog: Youth  Engagement Strategies

Fuse for Mountain Dew

Fuse is one of youth marketing s heaviest hitters, and their team is ultra-excellent at social media integration. Our favorite example? Mountain Dew wanted to capitalize on the success of their largest event series, the Dew Tour, by creating a one-of-a-kind consumer engagement experience. For the 2014 Dew Tour Beach Championships in Ocean City, MD, the Mountain Dew Experience featured four on-site content activations: the DEW Social Store, Instaprint, Instaprint Mosaic and Selfie Selects stations. The Instaprint station aggregated photos posted with #DOTHEDEW on Instagram and printed the images as stickers for fans to take home. The Instaprint Mosaic was then populated with these photos throughout the event creating a large branded image with all user-generated content.

Archival for Redbull

In partnership with Redbull, Archival sent young travelers on a challenging journey with no currency but their own wits and cans of Redbull to trade for food and assitance. The results? The teams traded over 16 thousand cans of Red Bull, uploaded nearly 8000 photos and 2000 videos, and collectively traveled a over 220 thousand kilometers enough to travel the earth 5 times over! The whole world was watching. During the week, the website generated 1.1 million visits, 2.9 million page views, over 448 thousand likes and shares of website content on Facebook and countless media stories.

Holiday Engagement: 6 Christmas Experiential Marketing Campaigns that Really Nailed It


Christmas marketing is its own animal. It s gotta bring the warm fuzzies while staying on brand. It s gotta be clever but hold to tradition. It takes planning, prep, and a whole lot of creativity. Here are a few campaigns from the last couple of years that scored high on memorable Christmas magic.

Post Office Christmas Stamp shop

Aw. Cute. This pop-up shop experience, created by Immerse Agency, lets visitors make their own personalized stamps for sending Christmas greetings.

Control the Choir Campaign

UK kinda-Tivo-but-not-Tivo television service provider Freeview launched a campaign in 2012 called Control the Choir , letting audiences use a comically large remote to stop, start and re-wind live performances by carolers.


Gingerbread Bank

PNC opened a life-size gingerbread branch over the weekend in Philadelphia to promote its annual holiday financial report that calculates the prices of all the gifts in the carol The Twelve Days of Christmas. Created by Deutsch with some help from Philadelphia s Bredenbeck s Bakery, the 340-square-foot bank was made with 5,000 pounds of gingerbread. Those who came through its doors over the weekend could open an account with the bank or use a cookie-covered ATM. Best. Event. Breakdown. Ever.

The Christmas Spirit Tree

Social media, interaction, Christmas and data visualization all in one? Canadian Tire, you re on the nailed it list.


Share a White Christmas

You know who s the hands-down king of Christmas marketing? Coca Cola, that s who. It takes more than one fistful of genius to turn a soda into a holiday brand, but they did it. Makes sense, really: they ve been refining the art of seasonal ads 80 years. They even kinda invented Santa. And last holiday season they were at it again with an international snow-transporter-portal-kiosk deal that let kids in Lapland send snow drifts to kids in Singapore instantly. Respect.

Wrapping-paper Billboard

Just a smidgen more love for the C-and-C:

In their most recent Christmas campaign, Coca Cola has teamed up with Duval Guillaume Modem to create outdoor advertising with a twist. Instead of showcasing a flat poster, as is traditionally the medium for such billboard type advertisement, Coca Cola has run a simple guerrilla marketing campaign that has proven to be very effective. Seen in Belgium a few days before Christmas, Coca Cola set up outdoor billboards that dispensed Christmas wrapping paper, in a variety of Coca Cola friendly designs, for the shopping masses to take as much as they pleased.

Seen any good Christmas marketing campaigns yourself? Tell us in the comments.

Bad Ass Summer Brand Activations


Brands are hyping up summer 2017 with traveling treadmills, tequila, stunt doubles, and engaging consumers along the way. Here are our favorite brand activations of this summer (so far).   

Patron the Summer Tour 

Patron summer tour

We re big tequila drinkers at Decibel Management (especially after a successful event), so this one is our favorite. The Patron the Summer Tour is traveling around the US and UK from May to August with top-notch bartenders to whip up some summer inspired tequila cocktails. Aside from a truck load of their tequila, Patron is also bringing a GIF booth, bikes that blend your margaritas when you peddle, and Patron popsicles to their visiting cities. We couldn t think of a better way to spend a Sunday.

More Than Miles Tour by lululemon

lululemon More Than Miles tour
The More than Miles Tour by lululemon is bringing a truckload of their gear to select cities in the US and Canada .literally. Traveling in a Test Truck with a state-of-the-art treadmill to connect with running communities. Runners can test out the treadmill in lululemon gear and keep the clothes when they re done with their on-site workout. Most of the onsite staff at Decibel Management swear by lulu for our own gigs, so we re hoping their next truck stop is in Raleigh or D.C.

Coca Cola Beach Campaign

Screen Shot 2017-07-24 at 4.26.11 PM

Coca Cola surprised Ipanema Beach goers last to promote their latest packaging with some free cans. And by some , we mean 500. In a massive block of ice that weighed 8 tons. Pretty impressive stuff. Beach goers were seen breaking the ice with beach toys to get their can of Coke in a time when they wanted it most. A+ Coke.

Spiderman Starbucks

Spiderman Starbucks prank

Spiderman gets his fuel from somewhere. The release of the new Spiderman movie already has been producing a lot of buzz, but we have to give New York agency Thinkmodo the credit for this one. At participating Starbucks stores, Spiderman drops from the ceiling to retrieve his coffee order, but scaring the shit out of customers in the process. 

NesCafe Hello Bench

NesCafe hello bench

Breaking the ice is never easy. Publicis teamed up with Nescafe and developed the hello bench as a way to initiate conversation between strangers. The activation included a shrinking bench, free coffee and a nudge in the right direction. This shifty bench gets smaller as two people sit on it cue conversation starter.

Top 3 Experiential Marketing Campaigns of 2017 (Thus Far)


Experiential marketing. Engagement marketing. On-ground marketing. Event marketing. Whatever you want to call it, can be very successful if done right.

The goal of experiential marketing is to form a memorable connection between the consumer and the brand to make a lasting impression, influence purchase decisions and ultimately build brand loyalty. It s proving to be a valuable part of a company s marketing plan, especially for large, faceless brands who can be viewed as out of touch with the general public.

With the explosion of new technology (like virtual reality) in the past year, combined with good ol fashion creativity, we expect 2017 to show us big things for experiential marketing. Here are some of our favorites so far.

The Casper Nap Tour & SXSW Takeover

Casper, one of the heavy-hitters in the mail order mattress-in-a-box industry, took this year s South by Southwest Festival by storm. For starters, they had their Nap Tour RV strategically stationed to help exhausted festival goers take 8-minute power naps. Attendees got to experience the comfort of a Casper mattress in a private pod, complete with slippers, a cold brew coffee, and a dog bed if they also had a furry friend.

Casper Nap Tour

Casper also partnered with the Standard Hotel s One:Night app to help people find a last minute, reasonably priced hotel room in an otherwise completely booked city. Each day at 3:00pm, the One:Night app released 20 rooms that could be booked for just $99 (more reasonable than the other hotel prices in downtown Austin during this time, which ranged from $250-$1,200). Guests got to sleep in comfortable rooms outfitted with a Casper mattress, pillows and slippers. Car service was provided by Tesla, and you could even request a real mom from the front desk to come read you a bedtime story.

Thanks to Mother Nature, Casper really solidified themselves in people s memories when an unexpected snowstorm cancelled flights in the North East at the end of SXSW. Casper extended their event to help stranded attendees find rooms, and even threw a Stranded in Austin party with rapper Warren G.

Talk about turning a nightmare into a dream.

XFINITY Fast & Furious Drive-Out Cinema

XFINITY partnered with the release of the next Fast & Furious movie, The Fate of the Furious, to take two of their customers on the ride of their lives. Excited to see and sit in some of the super cars from the movie, the two contest winners strapped in to watch a sneak peak of the film. That is until the people in the driver s seat suddenly discovered that the keys had been left in the car. Cue revving engine, confusion and adrenaline.

Turns out the people in the driver s seat were the actual stunt drivers from the movie, and they take the two unsuspecting super fans straight through the wall of the theatre and into an explosion-packed stunt ride. It was literally just like a scene from the movie. While this experience wasn t had by many people in-person, the YouTube video posted about it did a great job of capturing the event. While watching, you instantly start imagining what you would do in that situation. It evokes a feeling, a rush.

Plus, it s just flat-out funny to watch these people s faces as they flail about doing donuts next to impressive pyrotechnics.

Crayola Retires a Classic

Crayola made waves in the social media sphere by announcing that they were going to retire one of their iconic crayon colors from their 24-count box. They set up a giant box of crayons in Time Square, and had a countdown going on their website to March 31, 2017 (National Crayon Day) when they were going to announce live on Facebook which color would be getting the ax. Engagement and buzz on social media was high, as Crayola encouraged people to share which color they hoped to keep around (there s lots of Cerulean fans out there).

As it turns out, a box of the new crayons made its way onto shelves one day ahead of schedule, and of course an excited fan spotted it and posted it to Twitter. We give major props to the Crayola social team for reacting to this leak swiftly and positively by saying the color Dandelion just couldn t wait, and decided to announce his retirement a day early. This fast-thinking, positive spin saved the campaign, and may even end up gaining it more attention in the long run. Who doesn t love a good spoiler scandal? Here s wishing that Dandelion enjoys his golden years.

Do you have a favorite 2017 experiential marketing campaign that didn t make this list? Let us know! Tweet us at @DecibelEvent. We re social butterflies.

Four Cool Auto-Industry Experiential Marketing & Activations


We re on a car kick this month that deconstructive shallow dive into the intricacies of auto unveilings turned up a lot of good stuff, including a long list of experiential campaigns by auto manufacturers from which we ve picked out four of the best.

Event Production Blog: Great Auto Industry Experiential Campaigns

The Kia Dream Chute

You remember when you were a kid, and you couldn t understand grown-ups and their stupid architectural decisions? Like, if you owned a house, why would you choose to build a living room where a giant ball pit could be? And Why O Why would you not build a water slide from your bedroom window into the pool? Kia gets it, man. That s why they built a huge two-story slide in London s Westfield Shopping Center to celebrate the launch of the 2014 Kia Soul, a car that hasn t forgotten how to have a little fun. The Dream Chute was equipped with a camera that snapped shots of everyone s slide-ride O-face, which visitors were offered as souvenirs.

Pong made out of Smart Cars

Imagine you re a Daimler smart car. Everyone loves your idea. They just they just can t get past your lack of sex appeal. They can t see past your good girl exterior to the whip-cracking, garter-wearing party girl you are. BBDO to the rescue.

BBDO created this experiential event for car-maker Daimler to showcase their new electric car at the Frankfurt Auto Show. They created an interactive version of the classic arcade pong replacing the paddles with cars. Members of the public got to play the game and experience the driving fun of an electric car in an interactive way.

Event Production Blog: Auto Industry Experiential Marketing

2014 Toyota Corolla Launch

Sometimes you just gotta blow the lid off everything and get fancy. Liquid nitrogen cocktails. Roasted pork belly with licorice grits. New cars floating down out of the clouds. No, really, get a load of this Wolves of Wall Street madness: As a finale to the spectacular performance, a 2014 Corolla descended from the ceiling Also acrobats, I guess? I m not sure if this qualifies as experiential but it definitely qualifies as an experience.

Audi Spheres Project

Augmented reality, video walls, touch screens this future-and-then-some installation is basically a Holodeck that lets participants interact with the future of the Audi brand.

The interactive exhibition, Audi Sphere, was launched in front of Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Danish Parliament in Copenhagen. In three large spheres visitors can experience key aspects of Audi s cutting edge technology: Audi ultra, Audi e-tron, and Audi connect a networking strategy for all Audi vehicles.

5 Activations that turned Napping into Experiential Marketing


Sleep as the core concept behind a brand activation isn t easy to pull off. For one thing, it s slow: if you re serving pancakes out of the back of a truck, it s a 1-minute turn-around per customer engagement. Naps, though? Could be ten minutes, could be an hour. It s also unpredictable: people do weird stuff in their sleep and they don t like to be woken up. Plus, since most activations happen in high-energy public areas, you re working against the natural rhythm of the environment and the day. Considering all those potential problems, rolling out a nap-based activation is a pretty ballsy endeavor.

That said, done right, it can be very well-received. Examples? Here s five:

Event Production Blog: VA Raleigh Event Managers, Event Production in Raleigh

No Worries Motel

If anyone oughta be doing nap-based promo, it s AirBnB. Teaming up with Fosters in Finland for the Provinssi Music Festival, they launched the No Worries Motel, a two-bed crash pad built into a shipping container and located inside the festival area with views of the stage. Check out the listing, it s still online.

Experiential Events Blog: Event Production Firms Raleigh Political Event Production Raleigh

Van Gogh Bedroom

The No Worries Motel wasn t the first time AirBnB jumped under those covers. In 2013, they teamed up with the Art Institute of Chicago s Van Gogh exhibit to create a live, rent-able replica of Van Gogh s own painting of his small starving-artist apartment. The walls, doors and furnishings are stroked with paint in Van Gogh s signature style. (Photo via AirBnB)


To promote the launch of their new flat white, London coffee chain Gregg s launched outdoor Napuccino pods, where customers could get a few minutes of midday shut-eye. Drinking a cup of coffee followed by a 20-minute power nap is the best way to reduce daytime slump, claims the campaign.

Event Production Blog: Experiential Event Company Event Production Raleigh NC VA

Nap Cafe

Breakfast in bed? Yes please. IKEA launched a pop-up promotion serving brekkies to Londoners while they lounged between the sheets. The Wall Street Journal:

Starting later this month, IKEA is opening a pop-up cafe in London s trendy Shoreditch area, serving traditional Swedish breakfasts and offering siestas in a range of their most comfortable beds, the company said. People can book a bed for a 45-minute slot 7 a.m. and noon to relax in a single or double bed where they will be served by specially trained waiting staff and sleep specialists, IKEA said. Then, from noon to 3 p.m., the beds will be available for naps.

Event Production Blog: Large-scale event planning firms in Raleigh

Nap Pods

Breathe Right nasal strips partnered with experiential agency Blammo to create the Breathe Right Pod Hotel, offering busy Canadians a free 20-minute power nap.

Drowning In Content: How Can Live Events Stay Relevant In The Digital Age


We all feel it the digital monsoon. Every time you open your inbox, search google, see yet another cat video. We are all literally drowning in digital content everyday.

Here s some perspective for every minute on the web:

  • Email users send 204,000,000 messages
  • Google receives over 4,000,000 search queries
  • Blog writers post 1400 new blog posts
  • Facebook users share 2,460,000 pieces of content
  • Twitter users tweet 277,000 times
  • Amazon makes $83,000 in online sales
  • Tinder users swipe 416,667 times
  • Whats App users share 347,222 photos
  • Instagram users post 216,000 new photos
  • Pandora users listen to 61,141 hours of music
  • Apple users download 48,000 apps
  • Yelp users post 26,380 reviews
  • Skype users connect for 23,300 hours
  • Vine users share 8,333 videos
  • Pinterest users pin 3,472 images
  • Youtube users upload 72 hours of new video

How do you measure a year? In 525,600 minutes, which is a universe worth of content available at everyone s fingertips.

So, how in the digital overgrowth can live events even survive, much less remain relevant? Well all of us here at Decibel Management believe that live events are more important now than ever. Actually providing a face-to-face experience in the age of digital interactions is pivotal. But, the game has changed. No longer can event marketers rely on old standby strategies to be impactful. Here s what to pay attention to:

Always-on Engagement

Experiences are no longer consumed in a vacuum. Social media has ensured that. Yesterday, we watched a giraffe being born while simultaneously attending a business presentation and side convo-ing with a guy in South Africa about how great the surf was looking. Everything we do, see, experience and learn is readily and often shared these days. In other words, everything is connected. Just try asking your watch if you have any new emails.

Obviously, engagement with your audience starts long before the actual event now but, keeping those audiences (both on the ground and out in the digital stratosphere) engaged is a challenge.

So what are the implications of this phenomena?

1. Your content has to be on point and on message.
2. Your event needs to embrace new digital platforms regularly.

Solid content will beg to be shared by your audience so, set them up for success from the beginning.

Data, Data, Data

More data means more information more information means more insights more insights means better customization. Events need to capitalize on the immense wealth of data available to create integrated, seamless online and offline customer experience.

For example, ever feel like Google knows what you are actually searching for before you even type into the search box. You know why? Because they do actually know because they have the data about you. We know it s creepy but it works. Kind of like Tim Curry.

As technology and customer data continues to infiltrate our day-to-day lives, demands and expectations increase. Data is the key to staying ahead of the curve.

So while the live event world is changing in light of how people experience things and interact in the digital age, a true in-person and face-to-face experience is one of the most impactful ways to reach your customer, especially given the amount of content constantly bombarding our screen. And that is where Decibel Management steps in to help.

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