Holiday Engagement: 6 Christmas Experiential Marketing Campaigns that Really Nailed It


Christmas marketing is its own animal. It s gotta bring the warm fuzzies while staying on brand. It s gotta be clever but hold to tradition. It takes planning, prep, and a whole lot of creativity. Here are a few campaigns from the last couple of years that scored high on memorable Christmas magic.

Post Office Christmas Stamp shop

Aw. Cute. This pop-up shop experience, created by Immerse Agency, lets visitors make their own personalized stamps for sending Christmas greetings.

Control the Choir Campaign

UK kinda-Tivo-but-not-Tivo television service provider Freeview launched a campaign in 2012 called Control the Choir , letting audiences use a comically large remote to stop, start and re-wind live performances by carolers.

Gingerbread Bank

PNC opened a life-size gingerbread branch over the weekend in Philadelphia to promote its annual holiday financial report that calculates the prices of all the gifts in the carol The Twelve Days of Christmas. Created by Deutsch with some help from Philadelphia s Bredenbeck s Bakery, the 340-square-foot bank was made with 5,000 pounds of gingerbread. Those who came through its doors over the weekend could open an account with the bank or use a cookie-covered ATM. Best. Event. Breakdown. Ever.

The Christmas Spirit Tree

Social media, interaction, Christmas and data visualization all in one? Canadian Tire, you re on the nailed it list.

Share a White Christmas

You know who s the hands-down king of Christmas marketing? Coca Cola, that s who. It takes more than one fistful of genius to turn a soda into a holiday brand, but they did it. Makes sense, really: they ve been refining the art of seasonal ads 80 years. They even kinda invented Santa. And last holiday season they were at it again with an international snow-transporter-portal-kiosk deal that let kids in Lapland send snow drifts to kids in Singapore instantly. Respect.

Wrapping-paper Billboard

Just a smidgen more love for the C-and-C:

In their most recent Christmas campaign, Coca Cola has teamed up with Duval Guillaume Modem to create outdoor advertising with a twist. Instead of showcasing a flat poster, as is traditionally the medium for such billboard type advertisement, Coca Cola has run a simple guerrilla marketing campaign that has proven to be very effective. Seen in Belgium a few days before Christmas, Coca Cola set up outdoor billboards that dispensed Christmas wrapping paper, in a variety of Coca Cola friendly designs, for the shopping masses to take as much as they pleased.

Seen any good Christmas marketing campaigns yourself? Tell us in the comments.

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