You ve planned it, it happened, it was a huge success. But that s not quite the end of it. A good event includes a framework for event-wrap photo, video and news.
Why it matters
Getting sponsors excited If your event is an annual or repeated happening, having a strong follow-up gives lets current and potential sponsors know that their advertising dollars will be utilized well, with promotion continuing even beyond event completion.
Creating a community Events are little worlds unto themselves, and the people who attend them feel connected to each other. Good event follow up can strengthen this sense of community.
A good overview Your attendees can t be everywhere at once. Good follow-up gives attendees an opportunity to enjoy the bigger picture and see who was doing what while they were networking.
It makes you look good Everyone s a diva, and attendees, speakers and sponsors love to dig for and share good photos and video of themselves. Great event follow up draws more potential clients for event managers as participants use social networking to spread the word.
Follow-up Channel Ideas
1. Youtube/Vimeo
Any event worth its salt should have its own branded Youtube or Vimeo channel. If you have a flagship event once a year, create a specific channel for it. Flattery will get you anywhere, and putting up your speakers speeches or presentations up for all to see does wonders for both your marketing and your clients.
2. Storify
Posting different content to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and LinkedIn is great, and works very well for mid- and pre-event updates, but it can also diffuse the picture. Storify allows you to create a one-stop page for audio, video, photo and text of your event and share it at once across all your social networks.
3. Your Company Blog
Any event management company or communications consultancy will ensure its blog shows off its successes. Easy to find and benefiting your own SEO, a blog is a must-do.
4. 48 hour time limit
For best effect, post-event content needs to start going out within 48 hours of event close, and ideally some of it will start to bleed onto the website while the event s still running. Whichever manner you choose to publicize your event once it s done, get it out there fast. Ensure your event photographers, AV crew and note-taker give you their content as soon as possible and are on standby until materials are out.