Here s one for the A/V nerds we dug through some of the web s best collections of historic photographs and found five awesome vintage A/V images. Enjoy!
Hang the DJ
Early DJs? The fabulous historical photo archives on Shorpy.com features this 1931 picture taken in Washington DC of Man with portable radio receiver and phonograph. The caption goes on to remark that he seems to be using the amplifier to play a record into a microphone. Note handy Radio Spectrum chart. Credit: Harris & Ewing glass negative.
Vintage Microphones
Wow, here s one for the history books: this photo shows Emile Berliner, one of the inventors of the microphone, in 1929, before receiving the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia s highest award, the Franklin Gold Medal.
PA System
One from the more recent past: The left hand speaker assemblage at the Bath Festival of Blues and Progressive Music 1970 This P.A. System was supplied by Watkins Electic Music (WEM) and also shows their red parabolic reflector tweeter atop the supporting framework. Behind are rows of slave amps. It was at that date, the highest wattage used at any British venue. The projection screen can be seen behind it and to the left.
Edison loudspeakers
Large loudspeaker horns and crated Edison radios from 1929 are stored in a side room on the third floor. Thomas A. Edison Laboratories, Building No. 5, West Orange, Essex County, NJ
Making Loudspeaker Bells
In this 1925 photo, a laborer operates a shaping machine for loudspeaker bells.