Events to Check out This Quarter (Q2 2022)

As we wrap up the first quarter of 2022, and head into the second quarter, one can t help but reflect on what a quarter it has been. On February 24th Russia invaded Ukraine and the world has watched in horror as this tragic and tumultuous humanitarian crisis has unfolded, while also marveling at the strength and resolve of the Ukrainian people.
On the COVID front, after a major Omnicron variant-induced spike in cases in January, case counts have dropped, vaccinations have been widely adopted, and we are (dare I say it?) slowly starting to return to a world in which traveling, family gatherings, and even large-scale events are back on the table.
Let s check out a smattering of some of the events that are back on the proverbial table in Q2 2022.
Coachella (April 15 17 and April 22 24)
Pack your fringe jacket, bandanas, neon accessories, and big ol wide brimmed hat, because it s Coachella time! The Coachella Valley in Indio, California is the backdrop for this monster festival which features the who s who of the musical world. After being cancelled in 2020 and 2021, for reasons – do I really need to say what those reasons were, c mon, you know Coachella is making up for lost time with a banging line up. Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, Ye, Swedish House Mafia, Doja Cat, Megan Thee Stallion, Big Sean are just a handful of the artists who will be hitting the main stage.
Fun fact: On April 14, 2012, the coldest temperature in the festival s history was hit at 43 Fahrenheit. One week later, on April 21, 2012, the hottest temperature in the festival s history was reached at 106 Fahrenheit. Oy, how do you even begin to pack for that?
Full details available at
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival (April 29 May 8)
First Coachella and then the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Seeing a trend here? Live music is back big-time baby!! New Orleans is a city that is known for having a good time, and this festival is no exception. An annual staple of New Orleans for over fifty years now, the festival has hosted the cream of the jazz and soul crop over the years including Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, Patti LaBelle and so, so many more. The 2022 iteration is featuring heavy hitters like Stevie Nicks, Foo Fighters, Norah Jones, and The Black Crowes.
Fun fact: The festival has an official no carnival food policy, and has over seventy food booths with diverse offerings ranging from crawfish beignets to fried plantains to alligator sausage po boys to oyster patties. Bottom line: don t eat before you go.
Full details available at
AdWorld (May 2 3)
Calling all marketers intent on getting people to buy stuff, the world s largest advertising event is taking place this quarter. While all the other events included on this list are in-person, AdWorld is bucking the return to in-person gatherings trend and remaining digital this year. And why not, when you consider that they have tracks focused on the metaverse and web 3.0, conversation optimization, and email marketing and automation, I suppose it makes sense to be virtual. A bit of practicing what you digitally preach, if you will.
Fun fact: Had a hard time tracking down a fun fact about AdWorld (if you have one to share, hit me up), so instead I ll share this fun fact about AdWorld keynote speaker Arianna Huffington. Huffington ran as an independent in the 2003 California governor recall election against Arnold Schwarzenegger. She was not successful.
Full details available at
Cinco de Mayo (May 5)
This annual celebration commemorates Mexico s victory in the 1862 Battle of Pueblo. While the day is celebrated worldwide, typically with nachos and tequila in tow, the largest Cinco de Mayo festival is Los Angeles s Fiesta Broadway. Ironically, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated more broadly in the United States than it is in Mexico.
Fun fact: Almost half of all drinks ordered during Cinco de Mayo are margaritas, and tequila sales typically double in the week leading up to Cinco de Mayo. Cheers!
Full details available at
Kentucky Derby (May 7)
Ever since popular Polish actress Helena Modjeska made an appearance at the Kentucky Derby in 1877, celebrities (and their carefully curated hats) have been a fixture at this annual horse race. Also referred to as the fastest two minutes in sports , the Kentucky Derby typically draws approximately 150,000 attendees and betting galore (including the biggest racing bet ever which was placed last year to the tune of $2.3 million).
Fun fact: Only three fillies have ever won the Derby, the rest of the winners in the race s nearly 150 history have been male horses. Regret won in 1915, Genuine Risk won in 1980, and Winning Colors won in 1988. You go girls!!
Full details available at
Cannes Film Festival (May 17 – 28)
Another quarter, another film festival. This time it s the Festival de Cannes, widely considered to be the most prestigious and glamorous global film festival. 2022 marks the 75th edition of the Cannes Festival. Artists from all over the globe are invited to take part, and 170 countries were represented at the 2019 Cannes. The festival organizers are committed to increasing their environmental actions around the festival. aAs far as 2022 goes, some of the new green initiatives being rolled out includes solely using hybrid and electric vehicles for transportation, slashing it s printed materials, and eliminating single use plastics.
Fun fact: Cannes is home to the red carpet that puts all other red carpets to shame. It is two kilometers long and is changed three times a day. To shame, I say, to shame.
Full details available at
Haro Wine Festival (June 28 – 30)
If anyone has ever accused you of being a Spilly McSpillerson while imbibing, this is the place for you! This is an event where spilling wine is permitted, nay, encouraged. Spilly McSpillersons of the world unite in Haro, Spain every year for what can only be described as wine warfare, where everyone throws wine at each other using whatever implement they happen to have at their disposal, whether that is a jug, a bucket, or a water gun. Fun!!
Fun fact: The roots of the festival actually date back to the 13th century and some town line disputes between Haro and a neighbouring village. I suppose raucous wine flinging is one way to settle a real estate boundary dispute!
Full details available at
Wimbledon (June 27 July 10)
Hey, remember that hilarious Seinfeld episode where Kramer was a ball boy at a tennis match? Ya, that was comedic gold, I think of it every time I hear about tennis. Which is a nice segue into our final Q2 (and encroaching into Q3) event, Wimbledon, the world s oldest tennis tournament, held in London, England every year.
Fun fact: Speaking of ball boys, the process to become a ball boy or ball girl at Wimbledon is, well, a tad more involved than Kramer would have you believe. 250 ball boys/girls are selected every year from approximately 1000 applicants, and their average age is 15. Their shift is typically one hour on, one hour off, and they train for 2 hours per week for the five months leading up to Wimbledon.
Full details available at
Enjoy the event distractions this quarter, and here s hoping for a peaceful and diplomatic turn of events for Ukraine. You are in our thoughts.
So, why don t we check out a smattering of some of the events that are back on the proverbial table in Q2 2022? Coachella, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival (live music is back, baby!), Cannes, and more!