Three Experiential Installations that Solved Actual Problems

Ginormous wall-mounted drum kits. Experimental tea-time pop-up bars. These are cool, and we love them. And yes, it is always Pimm s O clock. But experiential really goes to the next level when it can be applied to problems that plague our community.
What the Phonics
Total geniuses Andrew Spitz and Momo Miyazaki noticed something weird about the street names in Copenhagen: no one could pronounce them but the Dutch. Which sucks, because if you don t live somewhere, you probably have to ask for directions a lot, and that s embarrassing enough as it is. Solution? The What the Phonics project, a kickass idea that blends cheeky design with much-needed function into a cool little device that helps passers-by pronounce arcane street names, like Rosenborggade and Nyhavn .
The Piano Stairs
The Fun Theory, an initiative of Volkswagen, maintain that fun is the best way to change people s behavior for the better. And to prove it, they built an interactive musical staircase that s a lot more exciting than riding an escalator. Their project returned measurable results, with 66{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} more people choosing the stairs than normal. The Fun Theory has tackled a pile of tough issues with the same methodology, using fun to encourage drivers to obey the speed limit, recycle glass, use seat belts, and refrain from littering.
Nike interactive billboard
BBDO created an interactive billboard for Nike in Argentina, inviting passersby to have a run on a treadmill that logs a communal kilometer count. For each kilometer run, Nike donates a set amount to UNICEF, urging that Training for the 10k doesn t only help you. For each kilometer run, you will be helping UNICEF.’
Bonus: the anti-Cancer Punching Bag
We actually featured this in another post on the blog recently, but it s so awesome, we re throwing it up here again. If you haven t seen this project, an experiential punching bag that lets participants fight cancer with their fists, check this out (it s available to rent for events, people):