Some of the Event Industry s Most Unique Bookable Artists


You remember when you were in high school, and people used to ask you what you wanted to do for living, and you could only really think in terms of the major job groups you d heard of? Lawyer, doctor, astronaut. And then you graduated, and suddenly you meet people with jobs like user experience researcher and grant writer and you wonder how those people even knew those job titles existed. Event artists are kinda like that. Auctioneer? Really? That s a thing I can hire?

Vanessa Thanos, Auctioneer

20150305-bookable-artists-auctionYes, that is a thing you can hire. Man, some of these guys get into auctioneering as a side gig, something to fill the holes between bit parts on network TV. Not Vanessa, though. Vanessa is auction-specific. She is full-on, 100{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} auction-dedicated. Starting out her career on her parent s Christmas tree farm, this lady has intered at Christie s in Beverly Hills and Sotheby s, and is a graduate of the Missouri Auction School (that s a thing, too), and a member of the National Auctioneers Association. She will get your fundraising benefit stuff sold, by jove.

Mystery Productions, Acrobats


No mucking around here: this is one of the top event performance troupes in the United States. You need someone to do aerial rope dancing? Check. How about someone to hang upside down from the chandeliers and wiggle around in a leotard? Done. Belly dancers? Fire eaters? Insane Venetian costumes? Yup, yup and yup.

Dan Meyer, Sword Swallower


Dan Meyer thinks swords are super delicious. And he s not picky: this guy ll nosh down on daggers, light sabers, rapiers, broadswords, multiple swords at the same he ll do it in front of anyone, anytime, anywhere. On top of fairs and festival bookings, Dan has also done some motivational TEDx talks, underlining just how possible the impossible can be.

Dan Clairmont, Square Dance Caller & Instructor

20150305-bookable-artists-square-danceNo, silly, you can t have any old jerk up there yelling do-si-do your partner round over and over. You need a guy with line dancing experience. A guy in a real cowboy hat who can give the whole thing some authenticity, get the first timers pointed in the right direction, and make the shy ladies at the back join in.

Travis Allen, Elvis Impersonator


Sometimes, there s nothing for it: you just need The King. And when you need The King, you call Travis. Travel Allen is one of the most booked Elvis acts on Gigmasters, specializing in Young Elvis, and has some heavy entertainment credentials. Based in Las Vegas (naturally), Travis is also available for travel.

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