Graphic Design Inspiration for Event Planners: 6 Gorgeous Printed Menu Designs


So, we just realized what a ridiculous treasure trove of event management creative lovliness Behance is. Brace for insane influx of blog posts about event design and signage. What caught our eye initially was a series of nice banquet menus, cuz event branding is so rarely done well, and it really is in the details, isn t it? And then we realized that there s no reason that event menus can t be as pretty as restaurant menus, and we started looking for inspiration in restaurant branding hoo boy.

Event Planning Blog: Beautiful Event Menus

The Foodie Dinner Menu

Event Organizer Blog: Single Page Menus

Anisa and Michele Wedding, Georgia Smiraglia

Event Organizer Blog: Nice Menu Design

Casa Virginia Menu, Savvy Studio

Event Blog: Banquet Menu Design

Tamarindo Menu Design, La Tortilleria

Event Planning Blog: Banquet Menu Design

Kinoya Menu, Veronique LaFortune


Microbrewery Menu, Jessica Fecteau

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