From Chocolate to Fortnite: Experiential Events Inspiration

In a time when you can ask an inanimate household object to tell you anything from the weather forecast to the lyrics from Kelis s Milkshake to the date of the initial moon landing, it shouldn t come as a surprise that events have taken on a more experiential vibe. People are engaging in more creative ways than ever before, and events need to deliver on these creative engagement opportunities if they are going to succeed. Here we look at five experiential event ideas that brought all the boys to the yard.

Van Gogh Exhibit: The Immersive Experience

Their website sums up the experiential event philosophy rather succinctly:

Have you ever dreamt of stepping into a painting? Now you can.

The Van Gogh Exhibit, which has been touring since 2017, has had more than 5 million visitors across North America, Europe, and Asia. This is especially impressive when you consider that two of their five year run was during COVID. In order to accomplish this stepping into a painting sensation, through the use of virtual reality and projections of Van Gogh s works onto large gallery spaces.

Photo credit:

M & M Interactive Pop-Up

What does a chocolatier do when they need help deciding on their newest flavor option? They create a pop-up experience that gives attendees the opportunity to experience what each of their three prospective flavors taste, smell, and even feel like. This 2018, New York-based event included three specialized rooms where attendees could indulge themselves in these flavors, including flavor-inspired drinks and snacks and d cor. The winner? All the attendees who got to experience this unique event. Oh, and Crunchy Mint, which beat out Crunchy Espresso and Crunchy Raspberry.

House of Vans

In honor of the release of their David Bowie trainers, Vans went to skateparks across the country with their House of Vans pop-up spaces. And House of Vans was a cool space, designed to attract a cool crowd. Elements included music, art, workshops, fashion, Skate Skool, and more. Bringing all the boys to the yard, indeed.

Credit: Vans

The Fortnight Rift Tour

Virtual events, which experienced a huge surge in 2020 2021 thanks to a little thing called COVID, are going to continue to have some staying power. So it s worth looking at one virtual event that brought the experiential-ness in spades. Coined a musical journey unlike any other, brought together fans of Ariana Grande with Fortnite gamers for a uniting of gameplay and concert. This win-win opportunity resulted in a 123{04d9822e7d95da125d508d8e1efbcf2edc79acd8aec1f0bbdcbd6a6f684f9bb3} bump in streaming of Ariana Grande songs post-event. Check it out here.

League of Legends – Worlds Semi-Finals

Video games have an incredible way of bringing people together online, but the world of live tournaments is helping connect people from all over the world in a powerful in person experience. With teams from all over the world, including Korea, China, and Europe, the crowd was diverse and ready to watch their team win it all. As this was right up the street from us at the Madison Square Garden Hulu Theatre, we couldn t help but get tickets. From our seat in section 202, row V, we took a plunge into the world of League of Legends to experience just how insane the production levels and customer journey can be when the world comes together, and it did not disappoint!

The Budweiser Beer Garage

Beer and garages go hand in hand, and Anheuser Busch did a fantastic job of connecting those two dots with their immersive campaign at the 2016 SXSW Festival. Festivalgoers were invited to celebrate all things Bud in this creative and memorable display which included a 4-D immersive reality Budweiser brewery tour that provided a multi-sensory experience that combined sight, hearing, and smell. Cheers!

Feeling inspired to work some cool experiential elements into your next event? Let the team at Decibel Events help you bring all the boys to the yard.

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