Decibel Event Management Wins 6 Telly Awards


Decibel Events is proud to have been awarded six Telly Awards in recognition of our partnership with the Library of Congress producing the 2020 Virtual National Book Festival.

Decibel Events wins 6 Telly Awards for work with Library of Congress' 2020 Virtual National Book Festival

This is a huge honor for Team dB, but not for us alone; this national recognition is shared by everyone that had an impact on this event: tireless leaders, designers, producers, peers, and staff at the Library of Congress, all of whom put in the hours, the effort, and the creativity needed to transform a massive in-person event to a successful virtual festival. 

Out of adversity comes opportunity. When the pandemic hit, and the world shut down, we weren t sure if the event would even take place. But the dedicated Librarian of Congress, Dr. Carla Hayden, was determined to move forward. We accepted her challenge to transition this 20-year strong tradition to a safe-from-home format, without losing the intimacy and excitement of the Festival, or compromising any content and programming.

And we had 80 days to get it done. 

That meant working with the team at the Library and recording all the authors through our cloud studio, editing hundreds of videos-on-demand, and building a comprehensive platform for our guests. The following stats remain staggering to us, still: 

  • 150+ Videos-On-Demand, Recorded, Edited and Hosted on Platform
  • 120+ Authors
  • 95+ Digital Sponsor Exhibit Booths
  • 65+ Live Q&A Sessions
  • 12 Live Virtual Stages

Far and away, this event was our most challenging and most satisfying of 2020, but not just because of the logistical and creative hurdles involved. The National Book Festival was created to share the power of literature across a myriad of ages and varied backgrounds and viewpoints. It is an event designed to build connections, foster conversations and curiosity, and a way to highlight diversity, culture and overlooked voices. Contributing that that important mission is reward enough; the Telly Awards are just icing.

We are forever grateful to the Library of Congress talented team and colleagues for their immeasurable contributions. And to our amazing production team, including Dave Nicholson with RelaTV Media, Melinda Curley with Cloverlea Entertainment, Josh Cook with EventEQ, for your unbridled passion and commitment to excellence.

Library of Congress: we love bringing your vision to life, and are truly grateful to have earned your trust. We can t wait to see you safely in person soon!

Decibel Events wins a Gold Telly Awards in Non-broadcast General - Museums & Galleries Category Decibel Events wins a Silver Telly Award in Non-broadcast General - Education Category Decibel Events wins a Bronze Telly Award in Non-broadcast General - Education Category - Madeleine Albright Decibel Events wins Bronze Telly Award in Virtual Events & Experiences Category - John Grisham Decibel Events wins Bronze Telly Award in non-broadcast general - diversity & inclusion category - Chelsea Clinton Decibel Events wins Bronze Telly Award in non-broadcast general - cultural category - Robert M. Gates

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